Sunday, November 4, 2012

Voting for Race...

For my second found essay I read another article from called "Why Do White People Think Mitt Romney Should Be President?" by Tom Scocca. The whole article went on saying that republicans only try to get the "white" vote and that many republicans are white men. Even though I did agree with the article I still thought it was a little bias. Clearly Scocca is heavily liberal and will never even consider voting republican. To me being a liberal still means trying to reason with the opposite side. In my opinion democrats should be accepting and willing to listen, that is why I never say anyone's political views are wrong. There is no such thing as wrong.
After reading the article I was a bit scared. I do see Mitt Romney as a fake image that is trying to portray the "white" ideals of America, but I don't think this just because he is a republican. The majority of youth today are becoming more liberal than previous generations, and I think that is making the republicans scared. By advertising more of a "white" image they can gather all of those people that would never vote for any other race. Unfortunately to me this presidential race hasn't been about politics. It's been about does America want white or black and that completely disgusts me. I've never been one to like politics at all, but if I want to make a difference in society I have to pick a side. So maybe neither of the candidates appeal to you but the fact of the matter is we have to live with one of them for 4 more year. Race shouldn't be a factor.

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