Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Puritan or Not?

After reading the article online I think it’s pretty obvious that America still upholds its puritan ideals, or at least the majority of us do. I think a lot of it is extremely personal though. We now are home to so many different cultures and beliefs so to say we all have puritan ideals would be quite a stretch. I think the majority of America follows these ideals now a days, but I think it is less obvious and more personal. I think many people are motivated more by predestination and salvation, but then again many aren’t. I’m sure most people would try and argue that overall America is now home to a more secular work ethic and belief. Although many people are motivated secularly I do think the majority still holds true to puritan roots and work ethics. Personally I think it’s one of those topics that you can never come to an ultimate conclusion because America contains so many different kinds of people and those people have so many different beliefs and motivations. I can say first hand that I do not follow puritan ideals in the slightest and am completely secular and am more open to anything instead of being stuck in my rigid ways.

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